December 30, 2007

Nigeria's 'First' Gay Movie

[ headsup via Bernie ]

Restless and daring AMAA "Best Director 2005," Dickson Iruegbu is set for another first. He is currently shooting Nigeria's first gay movie entitled "Sinful Saints."

"'Sinful Saints' is a very controversial movie. It deals with a very sensitive but neglected topic; homosexuality. The movie will explore homosexuality in Nigeria," Iruegbu revealed. According to him, the movie would seek answers to such questions as whether it is African or a burrowed culture.

How did it creep into our society? How do we discuss issues relating to sex with our children? Do we frighten them with or experiences. The family is the ultimate unit of society but unfortunately, most homes lack good ways of teaching sex relayed issues.

"Sinful Saints" is the story of a sheltered kid, whose over protective mum (Clarion Chukwura) sheltered him so much that at age 19, he'd had no contact with a woman.

Meanwhile his hormones were raging but Ignorance has set in and he clings unto his fellow man to satisfy his sexual needs. Soon he is enmeshed in homosexuality.

Posted by ronn at December 30, 2007 05:02 PM

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