July 14, 2007

Call For Nominations: 2007 Carl Brandon Society Awards

Nominations sought for the 2007 Carl Brandon Society Awards

Time is running out to make your nominations for the 2007 Carl Brandon Society Awards.

The Carl Brandon Parallax Award is given to outstanding works of speculative fiction created by a person of color. Nominees must provide a brief statement self-identifying as a person of color; creators unwilling to do so will not be considered for this award. This Award includes a $1000 cash prize.

The Carl Brandon Kindred Award is given to outstanding works of speculative fiction that deal with issues of race and ethnicity; nominees may be of any racial or ethnic group. This Award includes a $1000 cash prize.

Each year's prizes are determined by independent juries.

Nominations for eligible works published in 2006 will close at midnight Pacific time on Tuesday, July 31. Nominations made by U.S. Mail must be postmarked by that date, and online nominations must be received by then. The Awards will be presented later this year.

For more information on the Awards, or to make a nomination, please visit http://carlbrandon.org/awards.

Please feel free to spread the word!

Posted by ronn at July 14, 2007 09:57 PM

Ronn, I found your site when i was searching the injustice against the boys in the Central Park Jogger case. I would like you to contact me. Posted by: Christine Marie [TypeKey Profile Page] on July 23, 2007 03:24 AM
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