Unfortunately, this is a common concern for many residents in Black neighborhoods throughout NYC (and indeed, the US) of late:
Black New York frets the changing face of HarlemFrom 2000 to 2005, an estimated 32,500 blacks moved out and some 22,800 whites moved in to the Congressional district that includes Harlem and other neighborhoods in the north of New York City, U.S. Census Bureau data show.
"A lot of white folks have come through here and really changed the complexion of the neighborhood," said Bernard Moore, 51, an unemployed black carpenter who said he cannot find work in Harlem because contractors bring in their own crews of largely immigrant workers. (emphasis mine)
"The cost of rent is so high even churches are selling their buildings to prospective apartment buildings that are out of reach for most black folks," Moore said.
Posted by ronn at August 30, 2006 12:06 AM