July 06, 2005

Steve Jobs Calls Family of Brooklyn Teen Killed By Punks

As Errol Rose made preparations on Monday to bury his 15-year-old son, Christopher, who was killed last week in Brooklyn during a fight over an iPod, he received a telephone call from a stranger. The man spoke in tones that the grieving father said had momentarily quieted his anguish.

The stranger, Mr. Rose soon learned, was Steve Jobs, chief executive of Apple Computer, the company that makes the iPod.

"I didn't know who he was," Mr. Rose said yesterday. "He called me on my cellphone, at 4 maybe. Or maybe it was 5." Mr. Rose said he had stopped noticing the passage of time since his son was killed.

The men spoke for a few minutes.

Calling him by his first name, Mr. Jobs asked how Mr. Rose was doing, he said, and conveyed his sympathies. "He told me that he understood my pain," Mr. Rose said. "He told me if there is anything - anything - anything he could do, to not be afraid to call him. It really lightened me a bit."

[ ... ]

"Some people talk to you like they're something remote," Rose said. "He was so familiar. After every word, he paused, as if each word he said came from his heart."

Posted by ronn at July 6, 2005 10:05 AM


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» iPods don't kill ... people do from Lynne d Johnson :: A Day In A Life
ronn taylor reports that steve jobs called the family of the teen who was killed last week in Brooklyn during a fight over an iPod... [Read More]

Tracked on July 6, 2005 12:33 PM

Last month, he gave that commencement address. This month, he lives it. Posted by: George Kelly [TypeKey Profile Page] on July 6, 2005 01:31 PM
Don't mind me. Just checking to make sure everything is okay with your site. Posted by: ej on July 10, 2005 08:46 AM
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