December 31, 2003

South Carolina Looks Interesting

From a resurrected The Black World Today

A recent poll of South Carolina Democratic Primary voters released December 23 by the American Research Group / Pew Research Center showed that former Vermont Governor Howard Dean leads in South Carolina with 16%, Reverend Sharpton and General Clark tied for second with 12% while North Carolina Senator John Edwards dropped to 11%. Congressman Dick Gephardt was at 7%, Carol Mosley Braun at 3% and Massachusetts Senator John Kerry was at 2%. The poll of 600 likely voters was taken December 17th to 21st.

I'd wait to see the next poll numbers and the results of the first 2/3 votes before SC. No matter what, Rev. Al will have a major impact on the race as some of the other candidates begin to drop like flies.

Actually, I'm praying (yes, I used that word) for Sharpton to beat Clark in South Carolina. Taylor's Theorem: In you lifetime, you will hate and/or be hated by someone for no good reason at all. Clarke is my someone. (OK, my second someone, but Antonio Jackson turned out to be a pretty cool guy.)

Posted by ronn at December 31, 2003 12:53 AM