I really should try to make this although I just got word of it. Of course, I probably won't attend because I just got word of it-
Heritage in New York Now
Diana Hernández, Willie Perdomo, Nancy Mercado, Gilda Rivera and Danzafiesta
Friday, November 14, 2003 * 7:30 PM
at Boricua College, 186 N. 6th Street, Brooklyn (L train to Bedford Avenue)
* For more info. call: (718) 782-2200
* Free & Open to the Public
Diana Hernández is a poet, singer/songwriter, painter and also a yoga instructor at Boricua College. After joining in Amsterdam "The Orgasmic Orchestra" as lead singer, she has been heard on WBAI, and has done poetry performance art at The Garage, joined The Barry Harris' Jazz Ensemble and developed her own Jazz Singer's Workshop. She has appeared in Long Shot, Alou! Voices from the Nuyorican Cafe Anthology; Avenue Be Magazine; Sound of Water and in her published chapbook Raw Lips Melao: A Nuyorican Rhapsody.
Willie Perdomo is the author of Where A Nickel Costs A Dime (1996), Visiting Langston (2002), and Smoking Lovely (2003). His work has been included in several anthologies and in the NY Times Magazine, Bomb, Russell Simmons’ One World Magazine, PEN America and on PBS documentaries Words in Your Face, The United States of Poetry, HBO’s Def Poetry Jam and B.E.T’s Hughes Dreams Harlem.
Nancy Mercado is a poet, educator, editor and author of the poetry book It Concerns the Madness. Her work has been anthologized in among others, From Totem to Hip Hop edited by Ishmael Reed , 911 An Anthology of New York City Poets, Identity Lessons and Aloud! Voices from the Nuyorican Poets Café. She organized the event “Word Power” at the NJ Performing Arts Center and for eleven years served as editor of Long Shot, an arts and literature publication.
Gilda Rivera and Danzafiesta: Gilda studied dance and education at the University of Puerto Rico, Columbia University and the University of Phoenix. She traveled worldwide representing indigenous dances from Puerto Rico and is presently a faculty member at Boricua College. After twenty-five years as a dance teacher, professional dancer and choreographer, she created the company Danza Fiesta: Baile y Teatro Puertorriqueño, to promote folk dance as a medium for educating people on the historical aspects of Puerto Rican culture.
* from Kalamu ya Salaam's e-drum list-serv.
Posted by ronn at November 13, 2003 09:00 PM